Thursday, June 30, 2011

131th Day Without You- change and changed

I found that I grow up, I changed.
mature?I don't know.

well, I realized that life ain't merry at all.
we should do something to make our life look different.
remain the same only for coward.
phew, I'm glad that I'm not.
I willing to change, I don't mind learning.

I started being cold to everyone include my bf because I realized that I'm born to be happy and I'm not suppose to shed my tears for someone who doesn't worth my tears.
others than that, I hate to act like a silly like people could affected my life.
therefore, I tried to be an ice princess. lazy to social, lazy to talk, lazy o think and everything.


-The End-

Monday, June 27, 2011

128th Day Without You- 久了



-The End-

Mascara 煙燻妝

被欺騙算什麼 早已習慣難過
眼神空眼眶紅 但記得別過執著
寂靜無聲的我 還能夠說什麼
眼神憔悴脆弱 用煙熏妝來蓋過

玫瑰都在淌血 它沾污了白雪
不需想要了解 心如刀割的感覺
你等著我 解釋為何 微笑中帶淚
卸了妝 卻忘了我是誰

*我用盡了力氣 想要留住你 你卻沒會意
 看著我眼裡 黑色的眼淚流著不停 

 你說你不相信 從來不在意 假裝的生氣
 女生的哭泣 它是常被誤會的心機
 對不起 其實你對我不熟悉
 答應你 自由我從此給你*

躲進你的生活 想估據某角落
但愈小的異國 愈容易遭到封鎖

玫瑰都在淌血 它沾污了白雪
有誰想要了解 心如刀割的感覺
你等著我 解釋為何微笑中帶淚
卸了妝 郤忘了我是誰

-The End-

Sunday, June 26, 2011

127th Day Without You 自由



-The End-